Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The busy life of a bee

I have been seriously thinking about the chances that in my previous life, if there is such a thing as reincarnation, I might have been a bee. Of course, not a queen bee, but a worker. Actually, a really hard worker.
It was because of all my hard work that I was promoted to my current position, or should I say positions? I am a full time college student, daughter, sister, grand-daughter, niece, girlfriend, friend and a part-time writer and accountant. Not content with all the labors I must have performed in my past life, God decided to assign more responsibilities to me. Sometimes I think that He finds it comical to see me juggle so many things at the same time.
However, I have been thinking that facts such as being "booked" for weeks on end, and handling more than I ever thought would be possible, are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. All those burdens are but menial tasks, and God must have assigned them to me because He thought and knew that I would be capable of handling them, and, why not, enrich the lives of others and grow a little bit more in the process.
After all, no one is born a superhuman and we all have to confront our fair share of trouble. At least I am not another number suffering from starvation and AIDS in the African plains. I am not a child enduring the mission of searching for my next meal in the perils of South American dumpsters. I am not an orphan or a victim of genocide or discrimination, and for that I am grateful.
I have so many blessings that cannot be counted. I have been given the gift of carrying my own loads and of alleviating the backs of those whose burdens have been too heavy to carry on their own. I have been given the blessing of the working bee that sees her honey production grow and her honeycomb prosper. It is a sweet honey that shall be enjoyed by everyone and will sweeten the life of the bee who shared it.